Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday: A Series of Unfortunate Events

Greetings from Atlanta. You read that correctly, Atlanta. Not Belize. 

After waking up at 3:00 a.m. and fretting over nearly being late to my flight in Nashville, I made it to the airline kiosk and boarded the first plane to Atlanta with no issues. I couldn't help but think it was to good to be true. I have never, ever been on a flight that is on time, or has taken off without a hitch. When I left for Harlaxton we had a false alarm fire on one of the engines, and had to board another plane. When I came back from Harlaxton the plane tried to land in Nashville during a storm and was re-routed to Louisville (my original destination, another story for another time). Every other trip (Ecuador, Czech Republic and Chicago) was delayed for random reasons, so I knew this trip to Belize was doomed from the start. I guess you can call me the unluckiest traveler. 

The pilot in Nashville came over the intercom soon after we taxied and said that we were being delayed for an hour. This meant that I would miss my connecting flight to Belize in Atlanta. I requested another flight to Belize hoping my luck would turn around, but I should have known better. The next flight wasn't until Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m. I begged the flight attendant to let me off the plane in Nashville so I could high tail it back to Bowling Green (my sister-in-law was in labor - welcome to the world, Andrew Knox), but we were on the tarmac and I was stuck. 
(I was/am pretty bummed that I missed my nephew's birth when I could've stayed in BG for one more day and been there!) 

I was given hotel and food vouchers for my overnight stay in Atlanta, and I am now nestled in my room waiting for my flight tomorrow. I packed half of my clothes in my carry on baggage, thankfully, so I am good to go with fresh clothes. (Trying to look on the bright side) I'm hoping tomorrow's adventure is much more successful, and that my checked baggage is not lost in no-mans land forever. If all goes as planned, I will officially be on my way to Belize at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, 24 hours later than originally planned.

But, this is all part of the traveling adventure, and I have made the most of this day. Teachers rarely get three hour naps and a day full of HGTV & the FoodNetwork!

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